Bourbon Boys – Hail to the Chief – 2013

When I first heard Hail to the Chief by Bourbon Boys I wasn’t sure if it was a serious album or not. You know the feeling when something is just a little bit too typical for the genre. Something that it right on the edge between serious and delf distanced. I’m still not sure I might add. But after listening to Hail to the Chief for many times more at least I decided that I didn’t care. I really like the album. If they make fun of themselves or not is the point.
Hail to the Chief is filled with typical “red-neck” mentality. That is my opinion anyway. The songs are easy to remember and just after a couple of times you know the choruses. Very effective indeed.
I learned that Bourbon Boys is actually a side project of some Swedish metal band I never heard of before. They’re called Raubtier and is from the northern part of Sweden. I never heard them but looking through their song titles I think they focus on war titles like another Swedish Metal band – Sabaton. Never mind. This is not metal. This is country-rock and great such as well.