Category: Series

legend of the seeker 0

Legend of the Seeker – Fantasy/Adventure series

Legend of the Seeker was a series that apparently wasn’t too popular as it was aired for only two seasons. In my opinion, there were a few more seasons to be squeezed out of it. Ok, so the initial premise was solved as early as in season one. The Hero, being the seeker, defeats the evil tyrant. But as they squeezed in a continuation with a shoehorn in season two it still made sense. The...

dark side of the ring 0

Dark Side of the Ring – Entertainment at its darkest

I’ve been spending the last couple of weeks watching Dark Side of the Ring. It’s a documentary series from Vice TV about… you’ve guessed it, the dark side of wrestling. You might think that I’m a huge fan of wrestling as I wrote a review on the documentary Andre the Giant? Or sports in general but nothing could be further from the truth. I do find it interesting to know about these things though. I’m...

History's Greatest Mysteries 0

History’s Greatest Mysteries – The Death of Bruce Lee

I have been watching every episode of History’s Greatest Mysteries so far. I’ve always been fascinated by the unknown and theories about what might actually have happened when mysterious events have taken place. This series has covered a few great mysteries spanning from the Bermuda Triangle to the escape of John Wilkes Booth, Rosewell, and the Hunt for DB Cooper. Of course, some of these subjects are more interesting than others. But most of them...

Legends of tomorrow 0

DC’s Legends of tomorrow – What happend to this series?

It’s time for me to rant somewhat about DC’s Legends of tomorrow. I think it started out just fine and it was a very entertaining superhero science fiction series to begin with. Immediately after the first season, I was in some doubt as to how they were gonna continue the storyline. The story seemed kinda ended and they needed something new to keep it interesting. I think they succeeded and Legends of tomorrow was still...

Clickbait 0

Clickbait – 2021 – Everything is not what it seems..

Real Clickbait is kinda annoying as we all experienced it one way or another. You know when you find an interesting topic described in some header and once you click it you realize that the content is not what you were hoping for. Clickbait is a very effective way to attract views to your site and blogs. For this Netflix series, it’s not really the same though. Of course, the main story begins with just...

Pretty Little Liars 0

Pretty Little Liars – 2010-2017

Pretty Little Liars is a series that I have been following for the last couple of years. I don’t think I got on the train from the very beginning. As usual, when it comes to TV series my wife is the one who discovers them. Then she tells me about them if she thinks that I might like them. This is most probably the case with Pretty Little Liars too. I can’t complain because it’s...

Ultraman 0

Ultraman – 1966-67 – Kaiju series

I have acquainted myself with this series for a couple of days. There are 39 episodes in total and I have seen a few so far. I really don’t know what to say about it and this won’t be a regular review of the series. It’s a Japanese giant monster genre calles kaiju. This means something like “strange beast”. That is perfectly described! There is indeed strange beasts in this series! Strange beasts that the...

Grimm 0

Grimm – 2011-2017 – Rest in Peace!

It has been a pleasure watching this series from start to finish over the last couple of years. With that said I must admit that I wasn’t too impressed at the beginning. I seldom am. TV-series are not generally my thing. But since Grimm showcase occult themes and monsters I was lured into it. The basis of the series is that this cop – Nick Burkhardt, is approached by his aunt. She tells him that...

Librarians 0

The Librarians

There are plenty of series that focuses on collecting and locking away magical artifacts. We have Friday the 13th: The Series, Supernatural, Warehouse 13, Relic Hunter and we have the Librarians. I’ve always loved this kind of series and this is my newest addition to them. It is based on a trilogy of movies released a few years before starring Noah Wyle. I loved them and when I first got acquainted with them I didn’t...

The next generation 0

Star Trek: The Next Generation

I can’t say exactly when I discovered Star Trek for the first time. It as many years ago to be sure, although “my” series wasn’t The Next Generation but The Original Series from the 60s. This is kinda strange since I wasn’t even born when it aired and I was born and raised in a country where it didn’t air anyway. There might have been some TV time for it in the 70s but I...

Babylon 5 0

Babylon 5 – the Series

When the Babylon 5 pilot The Gathering, first came out on VHS I rented it and really liked it. I know I rented another TV-movie later as well but it was never as good as the pilot. I don’t remember which one it was but I guess I’ll recognize it when I come to it. It doesn’t really matter. What I’m trying to do now is to watch the complete series in order. That apparently...
