Tagged: BDSM

Tumbling Doll of Flesh 0

Tumbling Doll of Flesh – 1998

Tumbling Doll of Flesh is one of those movies most of us just heard about. I think it’s usually ranked in the lower tiers in the iceberg of horror. There are a few different out there of course and some list it in tier 4 while others place it in tier 7. Of course, there are some iceberg charts where it’s not present. It also depends if you rate it for its obscurity or for...

Fairly in a Cage 0

Fairy in a Cage – 1977 – Bondage and Torture

The nature of Fairy in a Cage kinda makes it hard to add any pictures from the movie. It’s not really violent and bloody or gory but a lot of stills do have exposed breasts in them. That in itself might not be a huge problem but when I post this to social media it might get taken down for showing nipples. That’s the reality we live in. It’s kinda stupid but on the other...

Safeword 0

Safeword – 2011 – A sexual degradation

Safeword is one of those movies I will have a hard time explaining the plot about. Maybe not necessarily because it’s very complex but rather because if I go into too many details it will spoil and ruin the experience for you. Let’s just say that it starts out with this woman – Sabrina, getting caught en entangled in a world of sexual abuse and BDSM-like people. I really like Terror-movies and I hold classics...

legend of the seeker 0

Legend of the Seeker – Fantasy/Adventure series

Legend of the Seeker was a series that apparently wasn’t too popular as it was aired for only two seasons. In my opinion, there were a few more seasons to be squeezed out of it. Ok, so the initial premise was solved as early as in season one. The Hero, being the seeker, defeats the evil tyrant. But as they squeezed in a continuation with a shoehorn in season two it still made sense. The...

Wound 0

Wound – 2010 – Susan submits to her BDSM Master

Susan meets her father, a meeting that ends with his violent and tormented death. She submits to her master BDSM game and she gets to see her long-lost daughter. She gets possessed by her and gets bullied around by her dead mother, and she goes to see a shrink for guidance. Why does she see her dead mother and her own stillborn child in a grown-up state?  Susan’s got a wound that never heals; an...
