Tagged: Conspiracy

To You Last Death 0

To you Last Death – 2019 – a bloody animated horror

Before I even realized that To You Last Death was an animated film I thought the cover art was totally awesome. Then, when I realized that animation was the thing I was kinda discouraged. It took me a while to get into the right mood. But I’m glad I finally got around to watching it! It’s a very entertaining movie to be sure! I like the animation style and it’s very bloody and violent without...

Labyrinth of Lies 0

Labyrinth of Lies – 2014 – A story of Auschwitz

Labyrinth of Lies is yet another movie that I knew nothing about. I became interested in it solely because of the cover and the swastika in particular. This led me to assume that the story-line would be about someone doing investigations about Nazi connections and were led into circles by lies from various people. I wasn’t so wrong. This is basically what Labyrinth of Lies is about. We get to follow this prosecutor who for...
