Tagged: Experiments

The Philadelphia Experiment 0

The Philadelphia Experiment – 1984

Once upon a time, I saw a movie called The Philadelphia Experiment mainly because John Carpenter was credited as a producer on the cover. When I watched it yesterday again, many years later I saw that he was credited as an executive producer. I have no idea what kinda of creative input, if any, he had on the movie itself. Probably just enough to lend his name to the production. At the time, in 1984,...

Forbidden World 0

Forbidden World – 1982 – Mutated Evolution

Forbidden World is one of those movies with a kick-ass title, a kick-ass poster, and a kick-ass storyline. Well, at least the first two claims are true. As a matter of fact, I didn’t really know the story that Forbidden World was supposed to tell until I saw it. I was expecting some space traveler to land on a planet where he wasn’t supposed to be and where he would encounter monsters like those on...

Killing Room 0

The Killing Room – 2009 – who’ll die next?

The Killing Room is one of those movies I didn’t remember seeing. I’m often like that. I don’t remember. Maybe I’m getting senile but the number of times I forget if I’ve seen a movie or not just by the title are really plentiful. When I start watching them I of course know that I’ve seen it before but I have seen an excessive amount of movies in my time that I don’t remember any...

Belko Experiment 0

The Belko Experiment – 2016 – Would you survive?

The Belko Experiment begins pretty awkwardly. The employees are all searched when going into the office building. We as the audience know that something violent is going to happen so for us it might not be strange. But if you look at it from the eyes of the personnel you might see it in a different light. Wouldn’t you be surprised if you suddenly were frisked before entering your office building, after being employed a...
