Tagged: Gene Simmons


Kiss – Hotter Than Hell – 1974

  Hotter than Hell is not as solid an album as the debut! The entire production is poorer, and the songs haven’t been crafted with the same precision. Nothing really stands out from the rest of the songs except possibly the title track – Hotter Than Hell. Unfortunately, as a big fan of the movie Kiss Meets The Phantom of the Park (which the band apparently hates). I find it difficult to embrace the lyrics...

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Kiss – Kiss – 1974 – Debut Album

I have written about the debut album of Kiss in some way or form before. In fact, I’m sure that I’ve written about it multiple times before. That means I’ve also rated it before, probably higher than I’m rating it now. But as you know ratings only reflect the time when you’re rating the object. Things happen. Not to the music itself of course, but our experiences and moods change over time. But I’ll try...

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Kiss – Gene Simmons – 1978

When I grew up in the 70s and 80s I thought Kiss was so cool. And Coolest of all was, of course, Gene Simmons! He was my favorite by far! That was, more or less, his character, music-wise I liked Ace Frehley best. His songs were always more rock than the other members in the band. Anyway. This solo album from 1978 sounds mostly like an ordinary Kiss album, just like Paul Stanley’s solo album...
