Tagged: Ghosts

Frozen Empire 0

Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire – 2024

Frozen Empire is the latest Ghostbusters installment. That makes it the fourth film in the series. The first two were made in 1984 and 1989 respectively, and the last one just a couple of years ago, in 2021. I was a fan of the first movie when it came out. But when the second one came out back in the day, I can’t remember seeing it. I have done something about it since then, but...

House on haunted Hill 0

House on Haunted Hill – 1959 – Vincent Price

When I first Saw House on the Haunted Hill from 1999 I knew there was some kind of original that the movie was based on. I also knew that it starred Vincent Price and I thought that Geoffrey Rush’s makeup just had to be an homage and nod to the original film made 30 years earlier. But I had actually never seen the original. And even if my first contact with the remake was a...
