Tagged: Ghost

100 Feet 0

100 Feet – 2008

100 Feet is a movie about house arrest. What’s more, it’s a movie about house arrest in the very house where you committed the murder you are doing time for. To add even more to that, it’s haunted. Of course, no one knows that the place is haunted. The police certainly don’t and not the women, portrayed by Famke Hansen, either. We soon learn that she killed her husband and that he was a cop....

The Corrupt Half 0

The Corrupt Half – 2016 – Horror flick

The Corrupt Half was sent to me for review. I really like when that happens. Not because I get a shitload of great movies in my inbox but because it’s usually stuff that I never heard about before. There’s not much that gives me such satisfaction than seeing something I never heard about and have no idea what is. So I watched the trailer first and decided I wanted to see the complete movie. Said...
