Tagged: Stephen Biro

Bloodshock 0

American Guinea Pig: Bloodshock – 2015

Bloodshock is another part of the film series American Guinea Pig. It’s hard to not draw parallels to the Japanese film series titles just Guinea Pig and I think that the writer Stephen Biro and Director Marcus Koch is very aware of these movies and have got quite a lot of inspiration from them. In the first one – Bouquet of Guts and Gore it was pretty obvious to me that the inspiration was the...

American Guinea Pig 0

American Guinea Pig: Bouquet of Guts and Gore – 2014

Do you remember back in the day when Charlie Sheen reported one of the original Guinea Pig movies to the authorities, thinking it was a real snuff movie? If I’m not mistaken, that was the second of the Asian films – Flower of Flesh and Blood. Not the most realistic in the series in my opinion but certainly one of the bloodiest! When watching the first American Guinea Pig movie I can help but wonder...
