Tagged: Thrash Metal

Fighters & Dreamers 0

Broken Fate – Fighters & Dreamers – 2023

Broken Fate belongs in a genre I know a little more about than the average genre – Thrash Metal. Not that I’m an expert in any way. But I understand, and like, the power of an electric guitar riff. I like fast and heavy guitars and a solid Bass/drum track to lean on. Often the weakest part of these bands is the vocals. And yes, I am very sensitive to vocals. They need to be...

Youthanasia 0

Megadeth – Youthanasia – 1994

I think the cover art of Youthanasia is the beast of all Megadeth’s releases. That, together with the title pun speaks to me. It’s unclear why the title is not written on it. Anyway, this album came out when Megadeth was in a particularly good place. The previous album Countdown to Extinction was a masterpiece in my mind and I think they wanted to do another album with that style. That’s pretty catchy melodies and...

Enter the Forbidden 0

Dismantle – Enter the Forbidden – 2012

Enter the Forbidden is the second full-length album by Dismantle. I had to look that up of course since I never heard of the band before. But as you know, I find great joy in the process of discovery! I often go by the cover art and what looks cool, might also sound cool but that’s not a rule of course. But I choose a bit with my eyes. What pleases the eyes is what...

The Raging Tides 0

Exumer – The Raging Tides – 2016

When I review music I usually listen a lot to the album before I review it. Then When I have written something I tend not to listen to it at all and go on to the next project. That means that I sometimes take my time because I really don’t wanna stop listening. As in this case, Exumer is so good and I absolutely love The Raging Tides! This is Thrash Metal as it was meant to sound!...

fé ciega 0

Silver Fist – Fé Ciega – 2016 – Spanish Thrash Metal

Once upon a time, I bought some records by a Spanish hard rock group Baron Rojo. I could hardly understand the lyrics. I mean that a few words here and there were obvious but the whole concept was a secret to me. If was a lyric sheet in the albums is a mystery right now. But I didn’t have the ambition to understand anyway. Now, thirty somewhat years later, I listened to this album Fé...

Megadeth Dystopia 0

Megadeth – Dystopia – 2016

Megadeth has been pretty uneven over the years. In earlier years they performed fast thrash metal but in recent years they have slowed down quite a bit. Personally, I like both styles depending on my mood. The important thing is that the riffs are good and that the melodies are nice. Megadeth seems to manage this pretty well over the years. I don’t feel like Dave Mustaine has sold his soul to commercialism as some...


Power Trip – Nightmare Logic – 2017

I never heard of this Thrash Metal band before but I decided to explore it to see what it was. I learned that it was some kind of crossover metal or cross over thrash even and that’s not necessarily a good thing. It’s not necessarily a bad thing either, there’s just not a general rula about it. Sometimes it’s good, sometimes it’s not. Simple as that. I really liked the music from the very beginning...

old scars new wounds 0

Act of Defiance – Old Scars New Wounds – 2017

This is not my first encounter with Act of Defiance. It’s not even my first review of one of their albums. The review was, however, lost during a faulty backup of the site. I remember it as very good musically and this has similar qualities. This second album – Old Scars New Wounds – doesn’t sound as much Megadeth as the debut though. It’s not strange at all that this came across in the sound...


Overkill – The Grinding Wheel – 2017

Overkill was formed in 1980 and this is their 18th album. That gives an average of about one album every two years. Of course this is not evenly spread out through the years; sometime it has been only one year and sometimes three. But as a whole the albums have been coming pretty steady! I think that’s highly impressive even though they’ve changed some members over the years. Well, most bands have! The singer Bobby...

Third World Genoside 0

Nuclear Assault – Third World Genoside – 2005

There are basically two reasons for naming your album Third World Genoside. The first is to create a provocing effect. It could be interpereted as a “cool sounding title”. Compare it to titles like Slayers God Hates Us All and it’s kinda leaning in the same direction. Just comparing the album title that is. To compare Nuclear Assults music with that of Slayer (during any era) feels just strange. The other reason is that the...

Spectrum of Death 0

Morbid Saint – Spectrum of Death (extended edition) – 2014

I was listening to this a couple of days ago. I don’t really know why I had it in my Spotify list. I don’t think I ever heard about Morbid Saint before, let alone Spectrum of Death. But I like to explore stuff that is unknown to me so I gave it a go. I imagine I would have somewhat different thoughts about Spectrum of Death if this were the original length album. This Extended...
