Category: Horror

Doll Boy 0

Doll Boy – 2010

Doll Boy has a very shallow plot, possibly not worth mentioning. Well, of course, it is! It’s just that it can be described in just a few words. So it feels more appropriate to incorporate it into the text rather than use an entire paragraph in bold letters. The main thing about the flick isn’t really the deep plot anyway. We have all seen films where the main thing is to watch the killer kill...

Consumption 0

Consumption – 2007

. Consumption starts out with what seems to be a romantic dinner for two. Soon it changes into something more macabre. Something way beyond ordinary people’s frames of reference. Professor George Klubbard and Claudia are fully aware of their commitments and will stop at nothing to complete the experiment. Empirical research that emphasizes unknown states of mind and experiences of flesh few can brag about. It’s all too hard to review Consumption in any other...

August Underground's Mordum 0

August Underground’s Mordum – 2003

As with the first part in this trilogy August Underground, the plot in August Underground’s Mordum is very shallow and concerns a couple of individuals’ killing- and rape spree. They stop at nothing to for fill their sexual desires including masturbating with a chopped-off penis and raping a dead child! One would think that these things would be shocking beyond belief but that’s not entirely the case. Of course, it’s disturbing but the whole movie...

The Girl in Cabin 13 0

The Girl in Cabin 13 – 2021

The Girl in Cabin 13 has a great storyline. Simple but very effective! It might not be very original and we have seen it all before but still, it’s a very frightening premise. We have this couple going off the some remote cabin far away from civilization to get away from it all. To get away from everyday life and to just relax free from social media and everything that makes ordinary day-to-day life ordinary....

The Demonologist 0

The Demonologist – 2019

The Demonolist is a movie that I really should like in theory. I enjoy movies where occultism and the war between good and evil can flourish. What I enjoy even more is when angels and demons fight the war partly as divine beings on Earth. I also enjoy the occasional satanic rites that aim to bring evil to this world and to manifest itself in a human vessel. The Demonologist has all that. It’s not...

Terrifier 0

Terrifier – 2016

Terrifier is a horror film that brings us back to the golden era of slashers. Or at least to a time when slasher kills were fun and inventive. The kills are fun and brutal as well as witty and brutal. The clown – Art the Clown is a perfect killer as his mask is the clown’s makeup. So, there’s a masked killer in Terrifier. It was a long time since I saw a masked killer...

Karusell 0

Karusell – 2023

Karusell translates to Carousel in English. It’s set in this famous Swedish amusement park Liseberg. Of course, I can’t be sure that every single shot is filmed there but it seems so. I, myself haven’t been there for numerous years but I feel like I recognize some of the environment. In any case, it looks very believable. It’s set at night as the plot takes us to a Halloween special VIP night. There are only...

August Underground 0

August Underground – 2001

August Underground more or less asks you the question of what you would do if you found a videotape with two men executing the most hideous crimes? Crimes that your imagination never even could come up with? If you found a tape with severe sexual assaults and torture, would that shock you? What if it contained Coprophagia and cannibalism? This is the journal of two men, their way of documenting their everyday life and the...

Begotten 0

Begotten – 1991 – Purely Black and White

What is Begotten about? Well, God commits suicide and there’s born a woman from His body – Mother Earth. This woman then gives birth to a son who is dragged through the landscapes with a rope around his neck. Faceless and cannibalistic creatures torment him in various ways. I’ll admit that the synopsis is very sparse, but that’s more or less what it’s all about. And it’s not very clear at all. If the possibility...

Beyond the Grave 0

Beyond the Grave – 2010

Beyond the Grave is set in another time and another place. The story more or less revolves around a cop of sorts. He’s searching for a possessed serial killer. But possession is not all there is. There are also zombies and black magic rituals going on throughout the entire plot. It’s kind of incomprehensible most of the time but I really like the cinematography and the image compositions most of the time. There are a...

The Piper 0

The Piper – 2023

The Piper is somewhat based on the old tale about the Pied Piper of Hamelin. I think it was included in the Grimm Brothers’ collected writings. But is surely something that is a much older legend. In short, this Pipe used his flute to lure the rats out of the city but when the citizen refused to pay him, he used the same pipe to lure their children away. It’s a gruesome tale really. And...

Bagman - Operation Massenmord 0

Bagman – Operation Massenmord! – 2004

I started reading reviews of Bagman – Operation Massenmord years before I actually watched it. I don’t think I’ve ever seen one that didn’t praise the film to be anything less than a stroke of genius. Because of that I of course wanted to see it for a long time but I was kind of worried about that the DVD only had French and German language to choose from and no English subtitles. Nevertheless, I...
