Tagged: Lost World

The Phantom Empire 0

The Phantom Empire – 1988

When I first saw the cover art for The Phantom Empire I was totally blown away. This got to be a highly entertaining film! It just seems so all over the place that it has to be funny. Maybe not deliberately so, but it’s still funny. Well, there are a few scenes in the early parts of the movie, in fact even before the movie really begins the humor is evident. There’s no chance in...

the land that time forgot 0

The Land That Time Forgot – 1975

Look at that poster! Isn’t it marvelous? You can see from a mile away what kind of flick The Land That Time Forgot is. You can see the adventures coming at you and you can see that it’ll take place on a mysterious island somewhere. In my world, movie poster art doesn’t get much better than this! But then there’s the movie of course. Does it keep the promises from the poster? Yes, I think...
