Tagged: Star Wars

Rogue One 0

Rogue One – 2016 – A Star Wars Story

A long time ago in a galaxy far away… Well, doesn’t all Star Wars films start in the same way? I think this approach is a stroke of genius actually. To put the story in the past rather than the future. This might very well be the one thing that divides Star Wars from all the other  Sci-Fi flicks out there. It’s also a long continuous saga that soon will span over even more adventurous...

The Last Jedi 0

Star Wars VIII – 2017 – The Last Jedi

I’m kinda impressed by anyone that attempts to write and direct a sequel to such a well-known saga as Star Wars. Everyone kinda knows the story already and chances are big that you write something that die-hard Star Wars fans consider contradictive against the franchise canon. I, myself, don’t consider myself to be a die-hard fan though. I think there’s way too much information to keep track of anyway. And besides, what can you do about it?...
