Tagged: Tsuyoshi Ihara

Gamera Guardian of the universe 0

Gamera: Guardian of the Universe – 1995

In Guardian of the Universe, an atoll is discovered in a place where there shouldn’t be one. Furthermore, it moves. Scientists are astonished by the discovery but can’t really figure it out. At the same time, gigantic birds with wingspreads of 10 meters or more are discovered. No one knows where they came from or why they have appeared now, but they seem to be genetically created. No creature has such a perfect DNA strain!...

Ninja 0

Ninja – 2009

Ninja from 2009 feels to me like a story that has been told and retold already. Basically, there’s this American Guy, who was taken care of by a Japanese Dojo, och School, or whatever you like to call it. He’s more or less been orphaned and becomes like a son to the owner/father figure of the story. There’s also the Japanese man who also feels like a son but falls into disgrace and is eventually...
