Tagged: Patrick Stewart

Sinbad: The Fifth Voyage 0

Sinbad: The Fifth Voyage – 2014

I really tried to like Sinbad: The Fifth Voyage but I just couldn’t. I’m a huge fan of Fantasy movies and Sinbad regardless of form or shape usually cannot fail. But this modern tale, which does have sequences in it to homage to the great Ray Harryhausens stop-motion effects and feel for composition just doesn’t work for me. The acting is totally uninspired, the effects are sometimes pretty good and sometimes like an homage as...

The next generation 0

Star Trek: The Next Generation

I can’t say exactly when I discovered Star Trek for the first time. It as many years ago to be sure, although “my” series wasn’t The Next Generation but The Original Series from the 60s. This is kinda strange since I wasn’t even born when it aired and I was born and raised in a country where it didn’t air anyway. There might have been some TV time for it in the 70s but I...
