Sonic the Hedgehog 2 – 2022

Sonic the Hedgehog 2

Sonic the Hedgehog 2 more or less starts off where the first movie left us. Dr. Robitnik comes back from the mushroom planet and allies with the red creature Knuckles. I can’t remember this character from the original SEGA games but it might have been something that was added to the later releases of it. I don’t even remember how many of the I played so it’s quite possible. In Sonic the Hedgehog 2 he has a pretty big part though. I’m not totally into his origin but he’s into finding an ancient jewel that supposedly gives its owner unlimited power. He doesn’t however, want this power for himself as you might have thought. He just needs to protect his village, tribe, or whatever.


When he allies with Dr. Robotnik there’s a different agenda though. Dr. Robotnik very much wants the power for himself. He will stop at nothing to annihilate the blue Sonic from existence. I can’t remember if it was told in the first movie why they were such bitter enemies but I don’t really care. I just accept that that is the way things are.

We also get Tails, the fox in this film. The first one ended up hinting about him in a sequel and this character I do remember from the games. He’s about as fast as Sonic when he twists his two tails and can even fly using this method, kinda like a helicopter. Or maybe it’s a girl? I never thought about that really until now. The voice is made by Colleen O’Shaughnessey so that makes sense. But I don’t think it really matters. All of these characters are kinda unisex creatures anyway. It doesn’t matter if they are male or female.

High Pace

I was expecting a high-paced movie for sure. The whole point with the games was just the speed of sonic and I feel that the movies should explore this. And, I think I was right. There is certainly speed even in the first scenes Sonic appears in. He runs around and tries to play the hero but ends up maybe destroying more than it’s worth. It’s a kinda nice introduction to the movie and there is certainly a nostalgic feeling from my side. So far so good.

I think the animation is kinda sloppy though. It’s hard to isolate and put the finger on it but something feels off. It seems to be animations for the animations’ sake rather than to push the story forward. That’s not really a good sign. The story is kinda easy and very wooden. I realize that I’m not in the target group for this movie but I felt I got more out of the first movie than this one. And I wasn’t in the target group for that one either. It becomes silly and almost annoying. Jim Carrey plays Dr. Robotnik too over the top this time. I don’t think it’s his fault, he just didn’t have enough to work with.

At the end of the day, I don’t regret investing 2 hours in this, just because I’m a SEGA fan. But I certainly hope that the next sequel will be better. Yes, it’s hinted at the end that there will be one. And If the studio makes money on this one, I don’t think there’s a way to stop that to happen.

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Tommy Snöberg Söderberg

Autodidact film scholar and music-loving thinker who reads the occasional book.

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