Category: Thriller

Karusell 0

Karusell – 2023

Karusell translates to Carousel in English. It’s set in this famous Swedish amusement park Liseberg. Of course, I can’t be sure that every single shot is filmed there but it seems so. I, myself haven’t been there for numerous years but I feel like I recognize some of the environment. In any case, it looks very believable. It’s set at night as the plot takes us to a Halloween special VIP night. There are only...

Beyond the Grave 0

Beyond the Grave – 2010

Beyond the Grave is set in another time and another place. The story more or less revolves around a cop of sorts. He’s searching for a possessed serial killer. But possession is not all there is. There are also zombies and black magic rituals going on throughout the entire plot. It’s kind of incomprehensible most of the time but I really like the cinematography and the image compositions most of the time. There are a...

7 days to live 0

7 Days to Live – 2000 – An effective thriller!

7 Days to Live is a rather effective thriller containing traces of, for example, The Shining, Poltergeist, and perhaps The Amityville Horror too! Amanda Plummer, who is playing one of the lead roles, does a commendable job, especially when portraying madness. It’s not entirely clear if it is madness though, as many classic details are present. There is a lost child, a crumbling relationship, a new place, and an attempt at a fresh start in...

7 Below 0

7 Below – 2012 – Val Kilmer is credible when drinking whiskey…

7 Below is a rather standardized tale of a family murdered by their adopted son. A hundred years pass and the house is once again filled with a bunch of people. Each of them are meeting a dreadful fate. One by one. Val Kilmer is featured and manages to look credible, especially when drinking whiskey. You can smell my sarcasm here, can’t you? Fortunately, his involvement in 7 Below is not particularly long. What happened...

A Serbian film 0

A Serbian Film – 2010 – The most controversial film ever!

In A Serbian Film, Milos is a former porn actor, the best in the business! He’s even a living legend and if no one else can deliver a hard-on, he sure can! He can keep it up forever, or so it seems, but he’s retired now. He has a wife and a son and wants to spend his time with them these days. But he still gets offers from the porn business and one day...

Marry F*** Kill 0

Marry F*** Kill – 2023

Marry F*** Kill is a TV movie from 2023. Most movies made for TV have, shall we say, a different quality to them. The acting is usually worse, the special effects may not be up to par etc. But I think that Marry F*** Kill is actually pretty good in both those departments. Of course, you can tell that the budget wasn’t a gazillion dollars. But an effective thriller doesn’t need to have a lot...

Deep Fear 0

Deep Fear – 2023 – Diving, Cocaine and Sharks

When you encounter poster art like the one for Deep Fear you immediately think that it’s a Shark Movie you’re dealing with. At least that was my thoughts. And, there are sharks in it to be sure. I do think that the poster is misleading though as the sharks are not the main subject of the film. I think the title itself – Deep Fear, aims at an incident that happened many years ag for...


31 Horror Movies you must see!

It is Halloween Month, Shocktober, or whatever you’d like to call it. So I thought a list with 31 Horror Movies you need to see was a good idea. None of these are in any particular order. They’re not listed from worst to best or anything like that. They’re just movies that I think you should see that fall under the Horror Umbrella. They’re not all core horror films and sometimes they’re mixed up with...

Angst 0

Angst – 1983 – Banned in Europe!

I’ve always thought that Angst was a German movie but it’s really Austrian. It’s in the German language though. Thar creates a language barrier for me since I don’t speak the language and have to rely on subtitles. But on the other hand, neither French nor Italian are languages that I master either and I need subtitles for those movies too! No big deal really, but it is easier if you don’t have to read...

Prisoner X 0

Prisoner X – 2016 – Terrorists from the future

X is apparently a very scary letter. Ether if it’s Prisoner X, Citizen X, or even Planet X, there’s always a mystique to it. I understand that that is the whole point of course. But I still find it odd that we use this particular letter to describe something that is unknown to us, something scary och horrifying. I’m sure there are other examples as well. Very Strange Prisoner X starts out as a very...

Chaos 0

Chaos – 2005 – The most brutal movie ever made

First of all, there’s another movie called Chaos from 2005 starring Jason Statham. If you’re looking for that one, please stop reading now. You won’t be prepared for what this movie is going to make to you. As it says on the cover this might very well be the most brutal movie ever made. It’s not about the gore, of course, there are plenty of other movies with more gore in them. But I’d say...

Secret of the Blue Room 0

The Secret of the Blue Room – 1933 – Classic locked door mystery

Recently I have been very interested in older horror movies and I stumbled across The Secret of the Blue Room. This was supposed to be just that, an older horror movie. I had not heard about it before, so I concluded that it was not one of the true classics. But the plot still seemed very interesting. There’s something about a looked door mystery that just appeals to me. I don’t know how that started...
